Saturday, May 10, 2008

~ Egg to Embryo ~

Ok- so I was really bummed not getting more than one egg on retrieval day. But, after a little pity party, I am positive once again. The single egg they were able to get actually fertilized. Thankfully, we can always count on Mark's baby batter. It hasn't let us down yet!

The doctor and embryologist are watching the progress of the egg-embryo very closely. I received a call this morning letting me know the egg has split into two. So it is on it's way to embryo status. We will be transfering it back in Monday morning at 10am. Mark will be home late Sunday night, so this works out perfect.

And we are slowly chugging uphill once again.....


Anonymous said...

oh my cousin... I came here and was so happy to hear about this little egg. I have been praying for you my sweet girl ! Last night I prayed so hard I cried. I want this so badly for you and Mark!

I am behind you all the way! Praying and cheering along... I hope you feel my cheering.. Hang in there Holls, You are doing a fabulous job my sweet!

I am sure this has got to be wearing on you so much!!! Take good care of you..

Let me know if you need anything! I am here for you ANYTIME!!



Julie's Blogger said...


How is it going????? I'm dieing to know how things are. I hope your spirits are high.......keep thinking this is the one, so when you said it split then you could have twins right? Take care my friend.

Love ya~Julie