Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Whoever said bedrest sounded like a great idea must never have been on bedrest... it really sucks! I am watching the hours crawl by very slowly. My dad spent the day with me yesterday and today, my mom is back to help. Kona (our lab) seems to think grandma is here for his walking pleasure and not to wait on me hand and foot. I am jealous....

T minus 20 hours until shower and hair wash - whooo hooo!

T minus 6 days until pregnancy test - yeahhhhh!

Oh - and I forgot to mention exactly what 8C was... for those of you who may think I am crazy for naming my unborn baby 8C. It means that our fertilized embryo split into 8 cells by the time they transfered it back into my uterus. That is exactly what they were hoping for. And with just one embryo to transfer - at least we had a good one.


Anonymous said...

Dear Holly, Watch a comedy movie.. Have Mom buy you lots of magazines..:) I know it's tough but just focus on the prize :) I love you my sweet!

Your cousin !

Anonymous said...

Babe, you are doing great! I'm so proud of you and proud of Mark for handling you so well. haha =)

I love you and I know the pregnancy test you will be taking tomorrow at home and the real one on Friday will bring you great joy. (Have you already taken a test? Be honest...)hehe
