Friday, April 18, 2008

~ It's never good news when the doctor calls... ~

I just got the call - we are NOT pregnant. Wow- what a bummer! I am not sure yet how I feel... a little bit angry for sure, and a little bit sad. The past 8 months have been tough on Mark & I - and it looks like we will have to hang in there a while longer. I need to believe that all of these pounds I have gained from all of those hormones isn't for nothing! ;)

We have an appointment with the doctor on Monday afternoon to go over what happened this time around and to make a plan for the next time. Hopefully we will be able to start next week. The whole IVF process takes about 6-7 weeks, so I'd like to start as quickly as possible.

Mark & I - always trying to see the positive are already keeping our hopes up for twins the next time around.

I am sure all of this is for a reason....


~Sharon~ said...

Holly, keep remembering and holding on to the fact that what happens, whether we like it or not, DOES happen for a reason. There is a plan for you and Mark, and although no one will ever know it til it happens, you gotta keep thinking positive, keep singing through it all. That is soooo essential for this successfully to all take place. I can't stress that enough. It helps your body in how it reacts to the creating of this little life, it helps with your state of mind and in remembering to cherish each day for what it is... good or bad. Take every breath God gives you for what it's worth and be thankful in all of this.... I know, I know... sooooo much easier said than done, huh! Keep praying Holly. Pray like you have never prayed in your life. It is just around the corner, you just have to hold tight for a while, but why not be in good spirits and loving every minute of this amazing process while you are holding tight. God gave you Mark, he gave you the heart to be a loving, caring mother, he even gave you guys the insurance that pays 100% to do this very expensive process. Just remember to thank Him for that and keep asking for your little one. He will provide!

Love you,

Tamaraesq said...

Remember this and repeat as often as necessary:

"One way or another, Mark and I will have our beautiful babies."

It's inevitable. It's just a matter of how and when. Keep your chin up babe.