Monday, April 21, 2008

~ IVF Round 2 ~

I am on top of the world again! Today's doctor appointment was a definite upswing on this rollercoaster ride of ours. We are going to start our next IVF round as soon as I start my period this month. Which should be within the week. The great thing about this round is that the cycle is actually cut down to about 2 weeks. The doc changed my meds and eliminated some so we go right to the stimulating injections as soon as I start my period.

Which means- we will be doing the retrieval and transfer sometime around the 15th of May. So- we will be able to know by the 25th or so of May if it worked or not. Whooo hoooo!!! That is so much faster than last time- much better than waiting 7 weeks. The doctor is putting my dosage about as high as it can go... in hopes that boosting the meds will make me produce more egg follicles. He is hoping for at least 5-6 this time.

Again- prayers and high hopes are appreciated. 2nd times the charm? Oh I hope so!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you know that I am sending prayers your way. I am not sure if you are the Holly that I am thinking of or not, but irregardless, I am aware of what you are going through. I was a surrogate and ended up carrying twins for a couple who could not conceive on their own. May God bless your family and bring you a precious little one!!!