Thursday, April 24, 2008

~ IVF Round 2 - Cycle Day 1 ~

Here we go again- just that quickly, we are starting our next cycle. I just returned from the doctors office. (I feel like a professional patient!) Since I started my period this morning and my ultrasound checked out a-ok, we are officially starting cycle 2.

What happens now? you ask... well, starting on Saturday (day 3) I start the stimulating meds again. Since he has upped the dosage and added Clomid to the mix - which is an added stimulator medication, we are hoping this cycle will produce many egg follicles. I have my first ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday at 11am to check the number and size of the follicles. It looks like if all goes smoothly, we will be doing the egg retrieval anywhere from Saturday the 3rd through Tuesday the 6th.

Hoping all goes as planned, since Mark has a fishing trip to Mexico leaving Thurs May 8. His contribution has to be made on the day of the retrieval - so we are cutting it a little close.

My thought for the day: This clinical version of baby-making leaves no room for modesty or inhibitions. At this point I don't even care if the doctor leaves the room while I undress from the waist down....

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