Wednesday, April 30, 2008

~ IVF Round 2 - Cycle Day 7 ~ Ultrasound ~

Today was the big day for our first ultrasound this cycle. We were hoping for many egg follicles, but there were only four to be found. Two in each ovary. The biggest is measuring 8-1/2mm, the next is 7-1/2mm and the other 2 are 5mm & 6mm. That is a 100% improvement over our last IVF cycle on this day we only had two. The doctor is very hopeful that these four follicles will mature as planned and hopefully we can get 2-3 to fertilize and transfer back in.

So - we go for our next ultrasound Saturday to check the size of the follicles. Which will probably lead to another check on Monday - which puts us at Wednesday for the retrieval day. As I mentioned before, this is cutting it seriously close to Mark's big fishing trip to Mexico leaving Thursday morning. The doctor let us know if worse comes to worst and we have to put the retrieval off until Thursday, Mark would have to leave a sample with me before he gets on the plane. He will just love that - doing his thing in a restroom at LAX! ;) Needless to say, we are hoping it will be by Wednesday.

Although the technical side of this is easier this time around, the emotional side is just as difficult.

The rollercoaster is slowly chugging uphill right now. I don't know if it will go left, right or straight down when we get to the top. All I know is my knuckles are turning white from holding on so tight...


Julie's Blogger said...


You hold on for dear life, it is worth every discomfort you are feeling I promise. I have to be honest there were times when I thought this is crazy, I feel like I am losing my mind and I started to really feel like this is NEVER going to happen for us. Esp when you go though the it did not happen this month try again next month...........I know you have it in you and the fact your ins. is paying for it all yu must keep up the fight. You will be rewarded and then you will be sitting around with screaming babies going I just want to go to the bathroom give me a break, LOL. You are always in my thoughts, good luck my friend.

Luv, Julie

~Sharon~ said...

Just keep laughing through it all Holly. Life is precious no matter what trials we are going through... white knuckles and all! I have great hopes for this next time around. Not that I want you to freak out by this, but I personally know of a couple at our church who tried for a baby for 9 years.... Yes 9 years! They prayed for a baby til they were blue in the face and after 9 years of tears God FINALLY answered their prayers and blessed them with a beautiful healthy baby girl. Why so long??? We will never know. It is God's plan and what he says goes! I don't want you to freak that it could take that long for you guys, but I just want you to still remember the power of prayer. Love you Girly!

Anonymous said...

Holly and Mark,
You always make me laugh, and I know with that positive attitude and hard work, it will happen. God does have a plan for you guys, and hopefully it will come soon so you can enjoy being pregnant!!
Love you-Amber