Sunday, April 6, 2008

IVF cycle ~ Day 12 ~

I just want to tell all of our family and friends how much we love and appreciate you. Your support is incredible! No matter what happens on this journey of ours, we know we are loved and blessed.

Just a quick update today- we had another ultrasound appointment yesterday morning. Our two main follies are still growing, but they weren't quite ready to retrieve them. So.... back for another ultrasound Monday morning at 9:45 and hopefully they will give us the go ahead to move forward to retrieve those bad boys (or girls). If they do, I will give myself an injection to 'trigger' ovulation and 36 hours later, they will go in and get 'em. That will put us on track for a Wednesday morning retrieval and Saturday implant.

Keeping my thoughts happy and my hopes high. Repeat after me: Two egg follies = two beautiful babies....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Holly and Mark,

I love the blog! What a journey you two are on. Just remember that we are here for you and we are really pulling for you. We are keeping those 2 follies in our thoughts this weekend. They need to grow BIG and STRONG and become healthy bouncing babies! Good luck in the morning. I will be checking in when I get home tomorrow night.

All our love to you both!

C & T Reyes :o)